Position Paper on the EU Green Deal Industrial Plan

SolarPower Europe Statement

31 January 2023


Ahead of the European Commission's expected publication of a Communication on the Green Deal Industrial Plan, SolarPower Europe has published a position paper on keeping the 30 GW solar manufacturing ambition in Europe by 2025 in reach.





Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO of SolarPower Europe:


"The world is entering a new geopolitical energy era focussed on Net-Zero and fuelled by the global solar boom.


Europe must take action now. The continent needs to strengthen its resilience in strategic clean energy value chains.


Solar PV is the key to the European and global energy transition. Reinforcing European solar’s place in the world today will define our energy landscape tomorrow.


To meet the official EU goal of 30 GW of solar PV manufacturing by 2025, the European Commission and European leaders will need to mobilise € 30bn of finance for solar PV and inverter gigafactories.


A fit-for-purpose finance framework needs to be underpinned by ESG-based criteria for ‘best-in-class’ solar PV, supporting the competitive edge of European products.” 


Keeping 30 GW of European solar manufacturing by 2025 in reach

Simplifying EU state aid rules. Leveraging existing EU funds. Maximising demand for best-in-class EU solar.

Read the position paper now
Questions? Get in touch

Bethany Meban
Senior Press and Communications Advisor

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