Solar Skills

SolarPower Europe is actively working on addressing the solar skills gap. Solar power is set to become Europe’s main source of energy before the end of the decade. Solar is one of the most job-creating energy technologies; our EU Solar Jobs Report 2024, reveals that the solar sector will need 1 million workers in Europe by 2027. To meet this enormous job potential, it is urgent to mobilise the workforce with the right skills to facilitate the energy transition.

To address the solar skills challenge, SolarPower Europe has developed the #SolarWorks Platform, the first online recruitment tool dedicated to solar. The platform is a one-stop-shop for future solar workers and recruiters, matching applicants to relevant roles or training programmes.

#SolarWorks Platform
SolarPower Europe Reports
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EU Solar Jobs Report 2024


SolarPower Europe’s latest EU Solar Jobs Report 2024 reveals that the solar workforce grew to 826,000 jobs at the end of 2023 - marking a 27% growth since 2022. However, our annual EU Solar Jobs report warns that the annual growth of solar employment will stall in 2024, with a projected growth of only 0.4% this year. The report takes a look at the state of play for EU solar jobs in 2023, outlines projections for growth of the workforce until 2028, and makes a number of policy recommendations.


By 2027, Europe will need

1 million


Solar workforce grew by


by the end of 2023, compared to 2022

EU Solar Jobs Report 2024


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Solar Jobs Guide


Our ‘Solar Jobs’ guide presents a comprehensive list of roles in the industry and the skills required to fill them. The publication is an invaluable tool to those interested in joining the solar industry and the fight against climate change. The guide is the culmination of a year of work by over 30 professionals active from across the solar value chain, many of whom are in hiring manager positions.

SolarPower Europe’s Jobs Guide

Overview of jobs available throughout the solar value chain. Outlining soft skills required across all of these roles.

Download the guide

RESkill4NetZero and the Renewable Energy Skills Partnership


In February 2025, SolarPower Europe jointly launched our new ReSkill4NetZero project.

This 4-year project funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme for training and education, will aim to: 

  • Create a clearly defined skills strategy for in-demand jobs across the renewables sector
  • Develop and test a vocational education and training (VET) programme of flexible training courses
  • Provide an EU recognised certification


This project will support our work in the Renewable Energy Skills Partnership, comprised of renewable energy associations and clean technology installers, was launched in March 2023, to identify the skills measures needed to deliver our climate and energy security goals. 


This skills partnership is a concrete implementation of the Pact for Skills, the flagship initiative under the European Skills Agenda. Soon, the partnership will launch a set of training programmes for renewables across the EU.

Union of Skills

Prioritise the renewable energy skills workforce in policymaking. Foster recognition and mobility in the job market. Ensure a strong and swift response to skills needs.

Download the position paper

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Electrification Alliance

In June 2023, the Electrification Alliance released a new report highlighting job creation opportunities associated with a switch to clean and renewable electrification.


Since 2017, the European Association for Electromobility (AVERE), the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), Eurelectric, the European Electrical Contractors Association (EuropeOn), the International Copper Association Europe (ICA Europe), the Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI), Smart Energy Europe (smartEn), SolarPower Europe, Transport & Environment (T&E), and WindEurope, joined forces to launch the Electrification Alliance, calling for electricity to be recognised as the key energy carrier for an efficient and decarbonised European future.

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