Solar Supports Ukraine

To support Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and the citizens of Ukraine, the German Solar Industry Association (BSW), SolarPower Europe, and the Ukrainian Solar Energy Association (ASEU), are coordinating the Solar Supports Ukraine’ campaign to finance the installation of solar on schools and hospitals, solar off-grid trailers, and solar powerbanks.

As of March 2023, over 4000 educational facilities have been damaged; over 1200 health care facilities have been decimated; and more than 150,000 residential buildings have been destroyed by the atrocious war waged by Russia on Ukraine.


Our goal is to tackle widespread power outages in hospitals and schools with solar power, as a reliable, versatile, and easily deployed clean energy source. You can make a difference right now by helping us provide solar power to the Ukrainians who desperately need it.


We will support projects from our implementation partners, the RePower Ukraine Charitable Foundation, and the Energy Act for Ukraine Foundation. 


Every contribution you make counts towards helping the survival of the Ukrainian people.

Opening of Bucha School project

As part of the campaign, SolarPower Europe members, the Energy Act for Ukraine, Foundation, ABO Wind, Akuo, and Deye, a non-SolarPower Europe member and inverter manufacturer, jointly developed a hybrid solar and storage system for the Bucha, Lyceum No. 3 school in Ukraine. 


On 15 February 2024, the Energy Act for Ukraine Foundation officially completed the project, and held a opening ceremony.


Check out the video below and read more here.

Corporate Donation

If you would like to make a more sizeable corporate donation, please get in touch with us. Corporate donors also have the option to adopt an entire project.


Questions? Get in touch.

Dan Sokolov
Project Coordinator at SolarPower Europe & ASEU Secondee

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