Solar Stewardship Initiative

The Solar Stewardship Initiative (SSI) is a solar-specific sustainability assurance programme by SolarPower Europe and Solar Energy UK which combines supply chain integrity with enhanced Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) performance. The Initiative is supported by more than 60 solar companies covering the whole solar value chain and a significant share of the European (including UK) solar market.

About the Solar Stewardship Initiative 
The Solar Stewardship Initiative is working to further develop a responsible, transparent, and sustainable solar value chain – strengthening confidence in how, where, and by whom, solar products are manufactured. This will mean businesses and consumers can trust that their solar products align with international environmental, social, and governance standards.

Visit the Solar Stewardship Initiative website

Go to the Solar Stewardship Initiative
Watch the Solar Stewardship Initiative launch webinar
Developed by
Questions? Get in touch.

Margaux Plurien
SSI Project Officer

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