On May 28, SolarPower Europe held a Rooftop PV Strategy Day at our offices in Brussels, hosting members of our Buildings & Prosumers Workstream alongside representatives from the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER).
The event gathered our members focused on advancing solar in buildings, including prominent installers in the residential and commercial & industrial sectors, manufacturers, research institutes, and National Solar Associations. Throughout the day we exchanged on key topics to accelerate the rollout of solar on all EU rooftops. Members shared their strategic visions for rooftop solar and discussed the primary obstacles to its deployment.

SolarPower Europe’s latest preliminary analysis on the impact of the EPBD
Click hereThe Strategy Day kicked off with discussions on the implementation of the EU Solar Standard within the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), a game-changer for EU energy policy and rooftop PV in particular which will put solar on all new EU rooftops. The objective was to gather policy recommendations for national-level implementation, building on conclusions from last year's workshop.
The first session of the day featured several key presentations including one from Anette Persson, Policy Officer at DG ENER, providing insights on the European Commission's renovation requirements under the EPBD, strategic considerations for the Solar Standard, and the requirements for successful implementation.
Throughout the rest of the day, we held lively open discussions on a range of topics from energy sharing, demand response and storage to smart inverters and EV.

Our Junior Market Analyst, Antonio Arruebo, offered a sneak peek into the European Market Outlook for Battery Storage 2024 – 2028 report which will be launched on 11 June.
Register here to attend the free webinar launch of the report
Click here
With rooftop solar gaining popularity and smart technology integration, we can ease grid congestion and swiftly adapt to market changes. The new mission of the Rooftop Strategy Day: propel rooftop solar forward and make clean energy easily accessible for people and businesses.