During the SolarPower Summit 2023, and a session on ‘Workers and Skills: Getting Ready for Solar', SolarPower Europe launched its brand new Solar Jobs Guide.
The solar sector is booming, and we cannot let the shortage of skilled workers hold us back from driving the energy transition.
In our latest EU Solar Jobs Report, our modelling shows that we need at least 1.1 million solar workers in Europe by 2030 to meet the EU's climate targets. Ensuring the industry’s sustainable growth and delivering the European solar age will require a larger workforce.
Our ‘Solar Jobs’ guide presents a comprehensive list of roles in the industry and the skills required to fill them. The publication is an invaluable tool to those interested in joining the solar industry and the fight against climate change. The guide is the culmination of a year of work by over 30 professionals active from across the solar value chain, many of whom are in hiring manager positions.

It provides an overview of the jobs available throughout the solar value chain, from manufacturing, to operational, to financial roles and beyond. Each profile details the skills needed to do these roles; and what qualifications are in-demand.
The Guide contains a section outlining the soft skills required across all of these roles, helping solar workers demystify job adverts and get concrete pointers on how to get involved in solar. Whether you are looking for your first job or changing industry, this guide contains the fundamental information for a successful career in solar.
This guide is part of SolarPower Europe’s overall objective to recruit talented and committed people into the industry.
#SolarWorks Platform
SolarPower Europe has developed the #SolarWorks Platform, a one-stop-shop for future solar workers and recruiters, matching applicants to relevant roles or training programmes. The platform launched officially during the first edition of the annual #SolarWorksFair in December 2022. Solar companies in Europe and beyond are welcome to create their company profile and upload their latest open vacancies.

Pact for Skills
More widely, SolarPower Europe is also working to develop the Onshore Renewable Energy Large-Scale Partnership with other stakeholders under the European Commission’s EU Pact for Skills. Proposed as part of REPowerEU plans to disentangle the continent from fossil gas dependency, the partnership develops a clear understanding of the concrete upskilling and reskilling measures needed. It also fosters cooperation between industry, social partners, training providers and regional authorities in unlocking EU funding and developing a policy framework that is fit to tackle this tremendous challenge.
SolarPower Europe are coordinating this group alongside GCP Europe and the Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centers.
SolarPower Europe is also also launching its own Solar Skills Taskforce to pool its memberships’ expertise on the topic, analyse the skills gap within the industry, and develop concrete policy recommendations this year.
Download SolarPower Europe's Solar Jobs Guide