In May 2022, the European Commission published the first-of-its-kind EU Solar Strategy which set new ambitions for solar power in Europe, under its REPower EU package. More recently, we have seen a huge mobilisation on EU level for supporting the uptake of renewables, such as newly proposed EU Electricity Market Design, new commitments to industrial policy and supply chains through the Green Deal Industrial Plan, and accelerated permitting processes offered by RES Booster: the EU’s emergency regulation.
We are getting Europe ready for an unprecedented solar expansion, one that can only be strengthened by collaboration on all fronts.
On 8 April 2023, SolarPower Europe launched the Solar Communications Forum during the SolarPower Summit. This initiative provides a forum for communications professionals to discuss, coordinate and align on solar communications.
Membership to the Forum is open to all members of SolarPower Europe as well as national solar associations, and it provides a unique opportunity to be part of a collaborative community of solar power communication experts. The Forum meets once a month for a hybrid meeting, and it is managed by SolarPower Europe.
During the first session at the SolarPower Summit, communications colleagues came together to exchange on shared challenges and opportunities.
If you are a SolarPower Europe member, join the Solar Communications Forum and be part of the exciting communications community. Let’s work together to promote clean energy and a more sustainable, secure future for all.

If you would like to join the Solar Communications Forum or have questions, please contact
Amalia Speleta
Communications Campaign Advisor