Global Associations Workshop at Intersolar 2024: Lighting the Way Forward

26 June 2024

At Intersolar 2024, we organised our Global Associations Workshop in Munich, with over 30+ participants from national associations from around the globe.

The annual gathering is organised by SolarPower Europe, and the German Solar Association Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. (BSW), supported by the Global Solar  Council (GSC), and GET.invest. GET.invest is a European programme that mobilises investments in renewable energy, co-funded by the European Union, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Austria.
During the workshop, national solar associations showcased the state-of-play of their national solar markets, provided updates on national policy development, and highlighted the existing challenges and biggest wins for solar power development in their countries.


During introductory remarks, our Director of International Affairs Máté Heisz outlined; “We’ve achieved the tripling of global renewables energy capacity by 2030 at COP28, to reach 11 TW… Solar can contribute 7.4 TW of this.”

Following this, our Executive Advisor and Director of Market Intelligence Michael Schmela, presented our Global Market Outlook for Solar Power, highlighting; "In  2023, we installed 447 GW of solar globally… Last year, solar accounted for 78% of all installed renewable energy capacities."

Afterwards, Sonia Dunlop, CEO of the Global Solar Council stated; "As the united voice of the solar industry worldwide, the Global Solar Council has transformed our brand to represent a new voice for the future...We’re here to make solar energy accessible for all, change the world, and drive the industry forward."


Representing GET.invest, Alexander Huppertz, Head of Steering and Mobilisation, said; "Our Finance Readiness Support is a new advisory service for locally-owned and -managed companies, driving inclusion and domestic value chains through investment.We have successfully piloted with 34 companies!"

National associations from all over the world presented the state of their solar market in a rapid-fire presentations. There were many insightful contributions, including from Lea Dunst, International Project Manager at BSW, who described how; “Germany has seen a incredible solar growth... It is now the 4th largest global market with 15 GW installed last year." 

We look forward to seeing all of our global solar colleagues again next year!

About GET.invest

GET.invest is a European programme which mobilises investments in renewable energy. The programme targets private sector business and project developers, financiers and regulators to build sustainable energy markets in partner countries. Services include market information, a funding database, matchmaking events and access-to-finance advisory. Since 2022, GET.invest powers the Team Europe One Stop Shop for Green Energy Investments, an access point for information about and facilitated access to European support and financing instruments for energy projects and companies in Africa. The programme is co-funded by the European Union, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Austria, and works closely with initiatives and business associations in the energy sector.


Learn more on the GET.invest website:


© SolarPower Europe

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