EPC Best Practice Guidelines
The ‘EPC Best Practice Guidelines: Jordan Edition’ is a product of the joint Jordanian-European EPC Working Group which was launched in March 2022, assembling 40 leading solar experts from Europe and Jordan.
Based on the first and second editions of SolarPower Europe’s ‘EPC Best Practice Guidelines: Europe Edition’ recommendations, these latest guidelines have been adjusted to reflect the market and business conditions in Jordan taking the unique aspects of country into account.
The tailored guidelines include:
- References to the official certification schemes for PV engineers in Jordan.
- Combination of health & safety and security, environmental, and biodiversity protection in a revamped Health, Safety, Security, and Environment chapter.
- Latest version of the National Electric Power Company’s (NEPCO) Transmission Code.
- Recommendations on administrative processes for importing key components for solar systems into the country.
O&M Best Practice Guidelines
Safeguarding Jordan’s solar potential will mean ensuring that PV power plants are able to achieve performance targets. The key to doing this is ensuring quality O&M practices and procedures throughout the operational phase of an asset’s lifecycle.
The O&M Best Practice Guidelines: Jordan builds on SolarPower Europe’s European O&M Best Practice Guidelines (v.4.0).
The adapted guidelines include:
- Key processes and codes related to environment protection and health & safety.
- A new section dedicated to repowering combiner boxes.
- Guidelines for operators and owners of power plants with storage facilities.
- Overview of the use and safe disposal of Battery Energy Storage Systems.
- Recommendations on reducing the amount of water required for module cleaning.
The Jordan editions of the EPC & O&M Best Practice Guidelines complement SolarPower Europe’s suite of free, market-specific, deployment and maintenance Best Practice Guidelines. The series, produced in partnership with local actors, covers global markets with significant solar potential, including India, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Africa.
These guidelines are a joint effort between SolarPower Europe and EDAMA, the Jordanian renewable energy association, and are part of the “Boosting Renewable Energy Build Up as contributor to Jordan’s post COVID-19 Recovery.” SolarPower Europe and EDAMA are supported by GIZ Jordan, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO of SolarPower Europe, commented;
"SolarPower Europe are delighted to join forces with EDAMA and GIZ Jordan on these pioneering guidelines. The solar potential in Jordan is tremendous. This effort should help establish common standards and we hope this toolbox will boost investor confidence and public trust in solar in Jordan while lowering costs.”
Anwar Elhalah, General Manager, EDAMA stated; "EDAMA has had the pleasure of being part of the preparation and launch of the Operation & Maintenance and EPC Best Practice Guidelines. We believe the guidelines will help the solar energy industry grow. EDAMA appreciates the cooperation and dedication of all partners and stakeholders who contributed to this initiative, it will continue to engage with all partners to improve Jordan's green economy."
EDAMA Association is a Jordanian NGO established in 2009 in response to Jordan’s energy, environment, and water security needs. As a Business Association, EDAMA cultivates an environment where innovative solutions for energy and water independence and environmental conservation emerge.
About GIZ Jordan
As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, GIZ Jordan are dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. GIZ has been working in Jordan for over 40 years, and opened its office in the capital of Amman in 1979.
© The Jordanian German Energy Partnership
EPC Best Practice Guidelines: Jordan Edition
Based on the first and second editions of SolarPower Europe’s ‘EPC Best Practice Guidelines: Europe Edition’ recommendations, these latest guidelines have been adjusted to reflect the market and business conditions in Jordan.
O&M Best Practice Guidelines: Jordan Edition
The O&M Best Practice Guidelines: Jordan builds on SolarPower Europe’s European O&M Best Practice Guidelines (v.4.0).