Towards a renewable based energy system delivering on the fit for 55’

Delivering climate neutrality requires a transversal approach to energy system integration, expanding the contribution of renewables beyond power. It will also require higher ambitions to deploy renewables and solar: according to SolarPower Europe, increasing the EU’s 2030 target to at least 45% share of renewables in final energy demand will be required to be on track for achieving climate-neutrality, and meeting the EU new ambitions on renewable hydrogen.


This webinar explores in particular: 

• How renewables can contribute to deliver higher ambitions by 2030 and what is needed to remove bottlenecks for deploying more solar on the ground, with a focus on electrification policies, permitting, grid investments and storage 

• The role of additionality and certification systems in supporting additional investments in renewables projects, driving the achievement of Europe’s 2030 renewable target and making the EU Hydrogen Strategy a true success story. 



Keynote speech: 

• Antonio Lopez Nicolas, Deputy Head of Unit Renewables and Energy System Integration Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission 


Panel discussion 


Moderation: Aurélie Beauvais, Deputy CEO at SolarPower Europe 



• Antonio Lopez Nicolas, Deputy Head of Unit Renewables and Energy System Integration Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission 

• Elena León, Director, Planning, Management and Regulatory Positioning, Iberdrola 

• Jaume Loffredo, Energy Policy Officer at BEUC 

• Geert De Cock, Manager Electricity and Energy, Transport and Environment 

• Andor Savelkouls, Senior Director, Altenex Energy

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