Mitigating foreign exchange risk for solar projects in emerging markets

Exposure to different currencies might affect the financial performance of a solar PV projects in multiple ways, such as when the investment currency is different from the currency of the cash flow return on investment, or when purchasing spare parts.

Foreign exchange risk is a major risk solar project developers face especially in emerging markets where currency fluctuations may be significant depending on the political and economic context. In this webinar organised by SolarPower Europe with the support of GET.invest – a European programme supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria – we invite leading experts to explore how to assess and manage risks related to changing currencies in the context of emerging markets, especially Sub-Saharan Africa. The experts will also point to existing strategies and instruments investors and project developers can benefit from. The webinar will focus on C&I and IPP from 100 kW and above installations.

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