Solar Cities: Boosting community engagement in solar projects

The EU has recently agreed on reaching a minimum 42.5% (+ 2.5% indicative top-up) renewables share in final energy consumption by 2030, almost doubling its current deployment. Most renewable installations will happen at the local level, making cities and local authorities the perfect candidates to accelerate the energy transition, and supply their citizens with secure, affordable and sustainable energy. 

But increased renewables and solar installations will need to go hand-in-hand with a reinforced participation of people and local municipalities to guarantee citizens’ empowerment and, ultimately, public support for the energy transition. The effective and credible involvement of local communities from the early stage of projects until the operational phase is crucial.

Renewable energy communities, as defined by the Renewable Energy Directive, are one real solution to this challenge. Plus, the emergence and increased uptake of schemes for energy distribution such as energy sharing, collective self-consumption, and (virtual) net-billing offer project developers the possibility of engaging with local citizens

Local authorities and project developers have a key role to play in promoting energy communities at the same time as other innovative forms of citizens’ engagement and participation.

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