EU Market Outlook For Solar Power 2022-2026

SolarPower Europe’s annual EU Market Outlook helps policy stakeholders in delivering solar PV’s immense potential to meet the EU’s 2030 renewable energy targets. Produced with the support of our members and national solar association, the outlook demonstrates how solar energy can, and will, be the engine that drives the European Green Deal.


The EU Market Outlook for Solar Power 2022-2026 contains an updated forecast for the EU solar market in 2022 and projections of the evolution of the market through 2026.


The report includes:


  • A progress review of the achievement of the solar targets in all NECPs
  • A deep dive analysis of the the 27 EU Member States, which saw 41.4 GW of new solar PV capacity connected to their grids, a 47%
    increase compared to 2021. 
  • A mapping of solar manufacturing capacity across the European Union for different solar products along the value chain
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