Solar Sustainability

Best Practices Benchmark

18 May 2021

With solar on the verge of reaching the Terawatt era, the PV industry is seeking to further improve sustainability performance in relation to environmental, social, and corporate governance features.

The report presents the results of sustainability case studies and best practices along the solar value chain. It aims to guide and accompany solar companies in showing thought leadership in sustainability. 


Current European developments considered in these guidelines include the ongoing discussions on legislative proposals such as Ecodesign and Energy Labelling requirements for PV products. 


The report takes a closer look at different areas of sustainability that are relevant for the solar PV sector, addressing a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in the PV value chain. 


The report also sheds light on how the European and international PV industry is addressing them, presenting state-of-the-art sustainability practices in the solar PV industry and across the entire PV value chain. Such practices can be used as benchmarks to advance the whole PV sector’s sustainability performance and to drive overall sustainable change. 


Key topics:


  • Carbon footprint
  • Circularity
  • Sustainable supply chain
  • Biodiversity and large-scale solar
  • Planning and designing for public appearance
  • Human rights
  • Supply chain transparency
Sustainability Workstream

SolarPower Europe has launched the Solar Sustainability Best Practices Benchmark, produced collaboratively by many solar industry experts active in SolarPower Europe’s Sustainability Workstream.

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