EPC Best Practice Guidelines: Jordan Edition

22 November 2022

The ‘EPC Best Practice Guidelines: Jordan Edition’ is a product of the joint Jordanian-European EPC Working Group which was launched in March 2022, assembling 40 leading solar experts from Europe and Jordan.


Based on the first and second editions of SolarPower Europe’s ‘EPC Best Practice Guidelines: Europe Edition’, recommendations, these latest guidelines have been adjusted to reflect the market and business conditions in Jordan taking the unique aspects of country into account. 


The tailored guidelines include:


  • References to the official certification schemes for PV engineers in Jordan. 
  • Combination of health & safety and security, environmental, and biodiversity protection in a revamped Health, Safety, Security, and Environment chapter. 
  • Latest version of the National Electric Power Company’s (NEPCO) Transmission Code.
  • Recommendations on administrative processes for importing key components for solar systems into the country.


The Jordan edition of the EPC Best Practice Guidelines complement SolarPower Europe’s suite of free, market-specific, deployment and maintenance Best Practice Guidelines. The series, produced in partnership with local actors, covers global markets with significant solar potential, including India, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Africa.


These guidelines are a joint effort between SolarPower Europe and EDAMA, the Jordanian renewable energy association, and are part of the “Boosting Renewable Energy Build Up as contributor to Jordan’s post COVID-19 Recovery.” SolarPower Europe and EDAMA are supported by GIZ Jordan, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

EPC Best Practice Guidelines: Jordan Edition

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