End-of-Life Management: Best Practice Guidelines

Version 1.0

19 January 2024

The ‘End-of-Life Management: Best Practice Guidelines,’ provide a complete overview for handling end-of-life solar panels, and boosting the sustainability of solar.

This new report offers recommendations on how to sustainably handle end-of-life (EoL) solar panels, and outlines how solar companies can comply with mandatory requirements. 


These guidelines include:


  • Provide a comprehensive overview of how to handle the key components of a solar system once they have reached the end of their lifespan, including their decommissioning and replacement. 
  • Outlines the key European legislation governing waste management, and management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), related to the EoL of solar components.


Within this report, over 30 experts of SolarPower Europe’s Lifecycle Quality Workstream, have illustrated their knowledge and experience from across the solar sector, coming from Operation & Maintenance (O&M), recycling and circularity, waste management, utility-scale solar, and manufacturing backgrounds.

End-of-Life Management: Best Practice Guidelines

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