Agrisolar Best Practice Guidelines: Japanese version

営農ソーラーベストプラクティスガイドライン 日本語版

14 December 2023

This report provides guidance for the deployment of sustainable Agri-PV practices for solar industry stakeholders; it also addresses wider stakeholder groups and serves as an informative tool for the Agrisolar sector.


A dual land-use approach responds to renewable energy production needs, while simultaneously enhancing the value of agricultural production. Specifically, it facilitates climate adaptation measures and increases the agricultural sector’s resilience towards climate crises, by providing optimal protection of crops in extreme weather conditions.  


Other benefits include an increase in land efficiency, an increase in water and other natural resource efficiencies, improved crop yields, soil health, and biodiversity enhancement. In parallel, Agri-PV can boost the local economy, and support rural development. To maximise these benefits, the Sustainable Agricultural Concept (SAC) needs to be followed. To ensure high quality Agri-PV projects, adequate planning, and project design need to be considered at an early stage, as well as throughout the project development and operation phase.








Agrisolar Best Practice Guidelines: Japanese version


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