Interview with Uri Sadot, SolarEdge – Chair of the Digitalisation Workstream

What is the Digitalisation Workstream, and why is it important?
The Digitalisation Workstream is where Europe’s solar industry discusses upcoming trends and innovations in digital power. This is an especially exciting area, as the solar revolution brings not only clean energy but also energy that is digital and connected. We are building a new grid that is more flexible, efficient, and resilient. Solar energy empowers homes, communities, and entire regions to generate and trade energy to meet their needs, transforming and democratising energy management.
Why should companies join the workstream?
No single player has the full picture. The Digitalisation Workstream at SolarPower Europe is where the widest professional discussions take place, incorporating perspectives from across the value chain. This diversity of expertise makes us a trusted adviser to EU lawmakers and regulators, enabling balanced and informed debates on Europe’s energy future.

What will the future of the Digitalisation Workstream look like?
Bright. In 2025, we will focus on three key topics: data management in energy, cybersecurity, and the potential of AI. As Chair of the Workstream, my focus is to emphasize that solar has become critical infrastructure for Europe. This requires raising cybersecurity standards for all solar systems connected to the EU grid and ensuring this infrastructure is as reliable as online banking or vehicle-assisted braking systems.