SolarPower Europe Position Paper on a Grids and Flexibility Action Plan
Reinforce the governance of the EU grids policy. Make the Grids Action Plan, into a Grid Flexibility Action Plan. Invest smartly into the grid.
Read the position paper nowEurope’s grid infrastructure is not growing at the same pace as renewables; grid operators need more digitalisaed and modernised systems. Flexibility growt must also double before the end of the decade, to balance the system outside of grid congestion needs.
With the EU Commission's upcoming Grids Action Plan, we've published a paper outlining calls for action.
Our latest recommendations include:
Reinforce the governance of the EU grids policy, targeting a swift implementation:
- Create a grid key performance indicator, based on the average lead time to grid connection, to be monitored through the European Semester
- Establish a high-level political venue to ensure cross-political coordination of grid modernisation and investment efforts
- Ensure that network planning is in line with 2030 and 2050 objectives
Make the Grids Action Plan into a Grid and Flexibility Action Plan:
- Draft a guidance to regulators and system operators on how to unlock flexibility solutions beyond local flexibility markets
- Require the development of procedures for a facilitated hybridisation of RES assets at the same connection point
- Remove double grid charging on energy storage
- Allow for revenue stacking of energy storage
- Allow non-firm grid connections for consumers equipped with power control systems
Investing smartly into the grid through efficient, participatory, and anticipatory planning:
- Pilot anticipatory investments projects at the distribution grid level, in close coordination with industry, and integrate such practices into grid acceleration areas, and in line with renewable acceleration areas
- Reinforce the Connecting Europe Facility for Energy (CEF-Energy), for instance with regional development funds or the Just Transition Fund
- Take action to support the permitting of necessary grid infrastructure
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