In May 2022, the European Commission proposed an EU Solar Rooftop Initiative, as part of REPowerEU plans to disentangle the continent from fossil gas dependency. To maximise the potential of the Initiative within the EPBD, the letter urges the inclusion of an EU requirement to install solar on all new and renovated buildings, as well as existing non-residential buildings.
- 18 organisations including NGO and city representatives, and flexibility service providers, as well as the construction, EV, renewable heat, solar PV, and solar thermal sectors have written a joint letter to EU Energy Ministers and the European Parliament to call for an ambitious EU solar mandate.
- Through the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), the letter advocates for an EU solar requirement on all new and renovated buildings, as well as existing non-residential buildings.
- Signatories point to the need for a mandate to accelerate the solar roll out to support Europe’s independence from fossil fuels, protect Europeans from fossil fuel price volatility, and achieve European climate goals.
Read the full joint letter
SolarPower Europe FAQs on solar rooftops
Frequently asked questions on what rooftop solar is, why Europe needs it, when we can install it, and how we roll it out.
SolarPower Europe note on existing European solar rooftop mandates
A short briefing note outlining the existing legal solar requirements in different European states.